Infinity-Lock™ 3 mm Tape

Infinity-Lock™ 5 mm Tape

Infinity-Lock™ 7 mm Tape

Infinity-Lock™ 3 mm,
5 mm and 7 mm Tapes
Open weave polyester tape for the approximation of soft tissue.
The Infinity-Lock™ 3 mm, 5 mm, and 7 mm are non-absorbable, sterile, polyester, flat suture tapes.
Strong: 3 mm tape strength 800 N / 5 mm tape strength 1000 N
Low stretch under cyclic tension
The Infinity-Lock™ 3 mm, Infinity-Lock 5 mm, and Infinity-Lock 7 mm are prepared from fibers of high molecular weight, long-chain, linear polyesters having recurrent aromatic rings as an integral component. Infinity-Lock tapes differ from USP suture by being in the form of woven tapes and in exceeding all USP sizes.
Infinity-Lock tapes come in three sizes, 3 mm, 5 mm, and 7 mm. The tapes have an integral loop at one end which is used to facilitate a hitch through one end of a ruptured tendon. The tapes have two tails. One tail end has an identifying mark and both taper into a cord to assist with passing through soft tissue.
The Infinity-Lock 3 mm, 5 mm, and 7 mm tapes are intended to be used for soft tissue approximation, including:
- The Poly-Tape/Infinity-Lock soft tissue reinforcement device is a single-use device intended for reinforcement of soft tissues that are repaired by suture or other fixation devices during soft tissue repair surgery including reinforcement of rotator cuff, patellar, Achilles, biceps, quadriceps tendon or other tendons.
- The Poly-Tape/Infinity-Lock soft tissue reinforcement device is not intended to replace normal body structure or provide the full mechanical strength to support the rotator cuff, patellar, Achilles, biceps, quadriceps tendon or other tendons. Sutures, used to repair the tear, and sutures or other fixation devices, used to attach the tissue to the bone, provide mechanical strength for the repair.
How does it work?
The Infinity-Lock 3 mm, Infinity-Lock 5 mm, and Infinity-Lock 7 mm tapes are used to approximate disrupted soft tissues. The Infinity-Lock tape is passed through the disrupted tissue using the integrated loop to facilitate creating a hitch, securing one end of the tape to the tissue. The ends of the Infinity-Lock tapes are tapered to cords facilitating the passage of the flattened tape through tissue. The Infinity-Lock tape ends are passed through the adjoining tissue, with tension applied to bring the two tissue surfaces together. The surgeon can use their preferred construct to achieve reduction. The tape ends are secured with the surgeon’s preferred technique.
Order Codes
- 102-1100 Infinity-Lock 3 mm Tape (sterile, single-use)
- 102-1101 Infinity-Lock 5 mm Tape (sterile, single-use)
- 102-1102 Infinity-Lock 7 mm Tape (sterile, single-use)
- Linear polyester fibers with recurrent aromatic rings
- Sterile, single use devices
- Tape ends taper to a cord allowing easier passing through soft tissue
- High molecular weight, long chain polyethylene terephithalate, with long history of orthopedic use
- Tails are marked to aid in identification during surgery
- Device provided in configuration with integrated loop end
- Device can be un looped when required
Product Documents
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